本帖最后由 cannianue 于 2015-11-28 12:20 编辑
Intel XEON E3-1241V3 99美元/月 全网独有,没有隐藏收费 截至到11月30号
Intel Xeon E3-1241V3 Quad Core - 3.30Ghz, 8M Cache, 5GT/s DMI, HyperThreading
16GB DDR3-1600 ECC RAM
Dual Gigabit NICs
1U Supermicro Server - 4x Hot-Swap Bays
Integrated IPMI, KVM over IP, Remote Power Control, and more
10TB Monthly Public Transfer
Unlimited Monthly Private Transfer
100Mbps Public Network Port
100Mbps Private Network Port
/29 IPv4 Allocation - 5 Usable IPs Asia Optimized
/64 IPv6 Allocation - Millions of IPs
Private VLAN
Remote Reboot
Monthly: $99
2xE5620 16G RAM 1TB 1Gbps 20TB 5IP 119美元 截至到11月30号
DUAL Intel Xeon E5620 Westmere Quad Cores - 2.40Ghz, 12MB Cache, 5.86GT/s QPI, HyperThreading
16GB DDR3-1333 ECC Registered RAM
1TB SATA 7,200RPM 128MB Cache Enterprise HDD
Dual Gigabit NICs
1U Supermicro Server - 4x Hot-Swap HDD Bays
Integrated IPMI, KVM over IP, Remote Power Control, and more.
20TB Monthly Public Transfer
Unlimited Monthly Private Transfer
1000 Mbps Public Network Uplink
1000 Mbps Private Network Uplink
/29 IPv4 Allocation - 5 Usable IPs - Asia-Optimized
/64 IPv6 Allocation - Millions of IPs
Private VLAN
Remote Reboot
Monthly: $119
w/FREE Windows 2003 Enterprise Chinese 32Bit
联系QQ:97525082 |