好像是新号首台 不超过24小时,不超过10GB?
19. Refund clause
We will not refund to the payment gateway under the following circumstances:
19.1 Three days after purchasing the service;
购买后3天 购买后2天
19.2 You used more than 10GB traffic on the VM;
超过10G流量 没有
19.3 Targed by (D)DoS;
受到DDos共计 没有
19.4 The network is not good enough;
网络不够好 不是
19.5 You already have a VM in the same location;
拥有过机器 首台
19.6 Any loss caused by any type of abuse;
滥用造成的损失 没有
19.7 IP geographic location reason;
IP原因 不是
19.8 IP is not available in some region but the service is already activated more than 24 hours. Please contect with our sales department once your IP is not globally accessible at the first time. (The same day you bought).
IP在某些地区不能用,但是机器激活超过24小时 不是