看到 Belle Nottelling 在 discord 的 FOSSBiiling 中的说,Alipay 支付模块的代码很久没更新了,且不知道现在它能否正常使用。如果不能正常使用,可能会移除。能否请有条件的大佬(有时间、有支付宝网站支付功能的账号)测试一下哩?谢谢。
I apologize for mentioning everyone here, but FOSSBilling would benefit from from insight that only the community can provide (specifically regarding payment gateways).
We have 3 known working integrations available and a handful of options that are to the best of our knowledge untested and likely non-functional.
Has anyone tested any of the following payment Gateways inside of FOSSBilling? If so, did it work for you?
If any of these are untested or known to not be working correctly, we will likely remove them from our repository.
None of these integrations have been updated in many years and we can't test or maintain them so removing them will help us get rid of some clutter.