Hello yuqingjian. How may I help you?
5:50 pm
5:51 pm This is a old question.
I want you can help me check my HDD.or change it to a new HDD.
my customer is waiting for me .So ,i will only wait for you....
5:52 pm but it's 6hous a go.
5:52 pm
I apologize for any delay but the hardware team is working on the itickets and orders they have as quickly as they can.
5:53 pm I will make sure they are aware that you are waiting on the issue
5:53 pm
Ok.can i give up the HDD speed test, I am want you can help me .change my HDD to a new HDD ,and copy this HDD data to new HDD.?
5:54 pm can you?
5:54 pm
If the drive is having issues, they can probably try to copy the data. I will note the ticket to let you know once they've had a chance to look into it
5:56 pm
Ok,ok.thank you very much. i am waiting for you.that is my customer waiting for me......
5:56 pm
OK. I'll let them know so they look into it as soon as they have someone free
5:57 pm
Thank you very much.