Don't have a website? We can help!We'll build it.
Get a one-page starter site up and running in one day.
We'll promote it.
Get seen on top search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
And we'll do it for FREE!
Just fill out a simple form and we'll take care of the rest!
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这个是肥牛发给我的 你有网站吗?我们可以帮你。
大题意思是好像给你帮你做个网页。 可以免费帮你做简单的站点,1天之内上线,可以做SEO优化,保证在google、yahoo、bing的前排。。。
免费。。。不过,你得填写下表,剩下的由我们负责。 晕,肥牛什么时候变得这么好心了