绿云sjc失联,客服回复:RAID 控制器错误修复中
本帖最后由 Meocat 于 2024-10-21 18:19 编辑[*]Hello,
[*]There was an issue with the server node that hosted your VPS. We will inform you once the issue is resolved.
[*]Tu Do Anh
[*]Senior Technician - GreenCloud复制代码 [*]Dear valued customer,
[*]We regret to inform you about an unforeseen situation on the EPYCSJC2 node that happened today (October 21st, 2024) leading to unavailability of your services. There was a RAID controller error on the node, which is an extremely rare event and we're working hard to rebuild it which may take up a few hours or days.
[*]We will inform you asap via email once it's completed.
[*]We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and patience in this situation.
[*]Your GreenCloud Team.复制代码
我们很遗憾地通知您,今天(2024 年 10 月 21 日) EPYCSJC2 节点上发生了意外情况,导致您的服务不可用。节点上出现 RAID 控制器错误,这是一种极其罕见的事件,我们正在努力重建它,可能需要几个小时或几天的时间。
您的 GreenCloud 团队。 吓死我,我以为是我自己的问题 可能需要几个小时或几天的时间。 哈哈哈 知道我为什么一直diss绿云吗?有一年黑五买个绿云的洛杉矶,QN机房的,结果当天就全球失联,客服回复说是网络设备故障,你说说这玩意能用吗? 可惜不是paypal,否则我一定争议这个绿帽云 祈祷不是raid0吧
估计数据要没了 有没有补偿 努力重建vps而不是修复