FDCServers 网络升级通知
forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTQ0NnwyZTdmMzI4OHwxNTM4MjExMTE5fDEyODA3fDI3NjQ%3D&noupdate=yes¬humb=yesWe are also very excited to announce deployment of our own US network footprint. This will not only cross connect our existing datacenter facilities but will also
- establish point of presence in other US metro areas
- improve our network`s peering options
- add redundancy and capacity of our network
- most importantly, significantly increase amount of available bandwidth to FDC customers
The deployment will begin in October 2009 connecting
San Jose ---> Denver -----> Chicago -----> Ashburn,VA
and should be completed by the end of November 2009.
Individual POP sites will be cross connected by multiple 10GE waves.
Expansions into other US metro areas and other continent markets will be announced around the end of this year
thank you
FDCServers 邮件也收到通知、1
从东到西,网络要大升级了。 那这样下来 芝加哥的快 还是丹佛的快 之前是芝加哥的速度快 大陆访问,慢慢丹佛的会快不少的,现在明显感到丹佛的快了些。 对对 我刚测试了一下 丹佛的明显比以前快的多了~现在芝加哥的速度感觉慢了 嗯,跟你一样,他们的目标是让丹佛延伸到西海岸
芝加哥延伸到东海岸,这样丹佛的对亚洲地区的速度将会更好。 现在亚洲访问丹佛路线都走得很直了,以前从圣何塞到洛杉矶再到德州达拉斯然后再转到丹佛,绕了一个大弯。
现在看来考虑fdc最便宜的那个主机很实在了 主要还是没钱 有钱直接来个洛杉矶1400一个月那款 看来你对流量需求很大呀。