Directspace更新:Upcoming DDOS Protection
DirectSpace Networks is excited to offer a new line of FREE DDOS protection services for all existing customers within about one week. Based on RioRey ( technology, all customers will be able to withstand cyber attacks of various types and sizes. We’ll keep everyone posted as our build progresses.DSN Team
不知道防护如何,RioRey 这个牌子的硬防是否过硬 问下tom
你的签名字够大啊 Directspace这个机房有硬防了?谁攻击试试 多少钱啊免费不 免费的,好使与否未知 他们家的vps怎么这么便宜啊,才2美金一个月,比巴斯的还便宜,并且流量还2TB啊?
有内幕吗? 你少看一个0吧? 是有2美元的,但现在缺货了,有谁买到了?