直接信用卡支付也不行?那得问问银行了。 这个是他们的ticket,付个款也这么麻烦
I'm sorry to say that we weren't able to successfully charge your card. While we did obtain pre-authorization, the transaction was declined due to an AVS (address verification) mismatch. With our increased security measures in place, an AVS match is required for us to auto charge a credit card. This feature, however, isn't available by banks in your country.
To make a payment by credit card, we would need to try to charge the card manually. Otherwise, we do accept PayPal, AlertPay, Western Union or bank transfer.
The Speed the Internet Travels
1-877-BURSTNET 这是最早发的邮件:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear Ou chunhui (yeidc),
We have recently increased security measures for credit card payments, at the request of our credit card merchant processor---in order to minimize fraudulent transactions. An AVS (address verification) match is now required to process a transaction.
Please log in to our billing system at http://service.burst.net to verify that the address AND your phone number on your account matches that associated with your credit card. I'm sorry to say that if your credit card provider doesn't offer/support AVS, we sugget that you utilize a different form of payment, such as PayPal or AlertPay (...both which allow you to pay with your credit card thru their service), or one of our other methods: Western Union, Bank/Wire Transfer, Mailed Check/Money Order.
In the future, if you cannot get charges to complete due to AVS settings, let us know, and we may be able to process the charge manually for you. We can override the AVS settings, in some cases, dependent on your prior payment history with us. We usually will require some established payment history prior to doing such though. We also cannot set this up to automatically occur, and each time you require us to do so, you will have to make an individual request.
You may have see charges to your credit cards, with such charges not being posted to your invoices/account with us. In most cases, these were "authorizations" only, NOT completed charges. The charges were attempted, but not completed probably due to errors such as: "The transaction resulted in an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder." These authorizations should automatically be removed by your bank within 3-4 days of occurring.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and do appreciate your understanding in the matter.
We have to be very strict with orders that are processed due to the nature of our industry.
Please let us know if you require further assistance with this...
We do appreciate your past and future business!
Warm Regards,
Billing Dept.
BurstNET™ - an INC500™ Company
BurstNET™ - The Speed the Internet Travels™
To place an order, or for more info, contact;
BurstNET Technologies, Inc.™ - BurstNET™
Toll Free 24/7/365 Support: 1-877-BURSTNET
Phone (570) 343-2200 - Fax (570) 343-9533
PO Box #591 Scranton, PA 18501-0591 USA
http://www.burst.net & http://www.nocster.net
sales@burst.net 我信用卡地址又没有英文的,怎么个一致法? 我记得办理信用卡的时候好像要填写拼音/英文信息。 1,你不用担心,因为我以前在这家也发生过几次钱给信用卡扣了,但是他们后台不更新.
有Paypal支付还是Paypal好点。 我的paypal用信用卡支付十次有9次不让我支付
打电话问paypal客服也只是回答让我过两天再试一下,BS paypal